Thursday, January 5, 2012

Long time no write

So, I kind of lost focus on my goal. The recipe box has been not as inspiring as I had hoped. That does not mean I have not continued to cook. I still cook a ton and try to do things as naturally as possible. Old fashioned sometimes even. I love roasting chickens at home an just had a spectacular soup that I made with home made stock and  veggies that were locally sourced. I guess I will keep blogging about cooking but not how I intentioned. Over the holidays, my brother's girlfriend and my sister and I were talking about how they would like me to give them some cooking/baking lessons but how they had no really good utensils so anything I taught them could not be recreated. Then came our idea, why don't I help people by teaching them how to cook with the utensils and supplies (however crappy) that they have at home. Them comes the idea for "Home Cook Helper" a way that I could help others cook with their own supplies. Just explain the recipe and list out the most basic of supplies and utensils needed. Or go to someone's home and use what they have so show what they can do with only a few things. Is there a market for this? Could I make any money at it. Do I have the time?
So here is a recipe that anyone could do. It is my latest experiment in saving money on food I eat by making them myself.
Making yogurt
So easy, heat the milk until almost boiling. Toss in some already made yogurt when it cools to warm but not so hot you can't touch it. Then let it sit overnight and if you want, strain it to make it thicker.

Materials needed:
2 or more bowls
mesh sieve
big(ish) pot
big spoon

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